I/O - Text Files in Python 3
About Text Files
So far, we have used the
input and
print functions to read and write
data in
Python because it is an easy way to check and run programs.
In practice,
things are more complex. Usually, when we write a program, we test it with a few inputs from the keyboard.
Such tests are not significant. The program might have
bugs (a term used by programmers, referring to hidden errors that a program might have).
Also, we don't see
how efficient our program is, although some efficiency calculations can be done before writing it.
But what if we have a list with
200,000+ values?
At that moment,
an external text file can come to our aid.
We might have data that changes or is frequently updated, like statistics related to the
SARS-CoV-2 virus.
The files are text-based and can be created using an editor or directly from the interactive
Python console editor.
To be identified more easily, we can change their extension as shown above –
*.in for
input data, and
output data (a somewhat standardized form).
Attention! In all computer science competitions, contestants' programs are tested using text files.
How to Use Text Files?
Read the material below carefully and complete the proposed exercises on your computer.
The online
Python system does not have all the capabilities of the native interpreter; it is used
for educational purposes only.
If you do not have
Python 3 installed on your computer, access the tutorial found
As much as it allows us, we will create a small project together!
This section is now over.