Python 3


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Computer Science - Problem Collection in Python

Conditional Statements [Back to Index]

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1. Write a program that checks if a student knows the multiplication table. The user is asked how much is 7 x 8, and after their answer, the computer will respond with a corresponding message if it is correct or not.

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Author: admin | Code: #1 | Easy
2. Read 4 integers. Determine if they are distinct (i.e., no two of them are equal).

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Author: admin | Code: #2 | Easy
3. Read three real values a, b, c. Specify if they can be the sides of a triangle.

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Author: admin | Code: #3 | Easy
4. Maria reads, on average, Y books with Z pages in X days. Knowing that a page has an average of 300 words and that Maria has a deadline to read B books in a period of C days (each book having Z+36 pages), display how many more/less words she has to read per day to finish the books on time. (All variables are entered from the keyboard).

Example: Y=5, Z=200, X=10, B=10, C=5. Display: ”She has to read 4.72 times more words per day to finish the books on time.”

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Author: Iacob Valentin | Code: #24 | Medium
5. Ana, a first-grade student, wants to know if a number n is greater or smaller than 0. Can you help her using the alternative structure, with the number read from the keyboard?

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Author: Elena Topala | Code: #46 | Easy
6. Using True and False, check if:
a) 7<3; b) 10>10.1; c) 13>4; d) 100<205; e) 41.6<40.9

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Author: Elena Topala | Code: #47 | Easy
7. Cypher

Fifi receives a journal from her older brother as a gift. To open it, she needs to enter a cypher, a natural number consisting of 4 digits. Her brother tells her a four-digit number and specifies that the cypher is the largest number obtained from it by a circular permutation of the digits by one position. Knowing the number, help Fifi find the cypher to open the journal.
Example: if the number given by Fifi's brother is 1234, the cypher is 4123 (the circular permutations are 2341, 3412, 4123, 1234, and the maximum is 4123).

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Author: Voica Cornelia Nicoleta | Code: #40 | Medium

8. Kitty the kitten likes Whiskas treats. In Kitty's town, there are several types of treats in several stores. Help Kitty find the store where Whiskas treats are the cheapest. The names of the three stores in Kitty's town, the type of treats found in the store (we will consider only one type of treats in one store), and the price will be entered. The appropriate store name for Kitty will be displayed on the screen. If no store is found, the message "Does not exist!" will be displayed. If Whiskas is found at the same price in multiple stores, the names of all suitable stores will be displayed.

Example 1:
First store name: A
Treat type: Whiskas
Price: 5
Second store name: B
Treat type: CatFun
Price: 4
Third store name: C
Treat type: Whiskas
Price: 7
Output: A

Example 2:
First store name: A
Treat type: PetHealthy
Price: 5
Second store name: B
Treat type: CatFun
Price: 2
Third store name: C
Treat type: HappyCat
Price: 3
Does not exist!

Example 3:
First store name: A
Treat type: Whiskas
Price: 5
Second store name: B
Treat type: CatFun
Price: 4
Third store name: C
Treat type: Whiskas
Price: 5
Output: A C

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Author: Iulia Gheorghe | Code: #109 | Easy
9. Read a number "n" from the keyboard. If it belongs to the interval [1, 100], the message "It is between 1 and 100" will be displayed. Otherwise, "It is not between 1 and 100" will be displayed.

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Author: Lascu Vlad Gabriel | Code: #127 | Easy
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