Python 3


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"The best Python course in Romania." (Iulian Geană)

Computer Science - Problem Collection in Python

Strings [Back to Index]

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1. Create a program that reads a string from the keyboard and displays how many times the letter "a" appears in the text.

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Author: admin | Code: #13 | Easy
2. Check if a read string has a length greater than 20.

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Author: admin | Code: #14 | Easy
3. Enter a string. Display it in uppercase, read from right to left.

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Author: admin | Code: #15 | Easy
4. Given a string, display whether the first character is the same as the last one entered (True/False).

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Author: admin | Code: #16 | Easy
5. Read a string. Display how many characters the string has.

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Author: Elena Topala | Code: #51 | Easy
6. Cat language The cat language is very easy! A sentence in Romanian is translated as follows: after each vowel, insert the letter m and the respective vowel. A sentence is given. Translate it into cat language.

Example: For "Ducesa are patru pisoi", it becomes "Dumucemesama amareme pamatrumu pimisomoimi".

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Author: Ionescu Maria Magdalena | Code: #52 | Medium
7. A sentence is read from the keyboard. Display how many vowels and how many consonants are in it. Example: Fred goes to the beach. Display: 10 consonants and 6 vowels.

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Author: Ionescu Maria Magdalena | Code: #53 | Easy
8. Create a program that reads a string from the keyboard and displays the number of palindrome words that start with the letter "c". A word is a palindrome if it reads the same from left to right and from right to left.

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Author: Popa Ion | Code: #56 | Medium
9. Read a string. Display if the first character is different from the second.

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Author: Elena Topala | Code: #50 | Easy
10. Create a program that reads a string from the keyboard and displays it on the screen without the words formed from an odd number of characters.

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Author: Popa Ion | Code: #67 | Medium
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